Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Colostrum and Allergies

What are Allergies?
Allergies are considered an auto-immune disorder, since they are caused by an over­reaction of the immune system whereby the body produces too many antibodies to neutralize an antigen. In persons with allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies a normally harmless substance as a threat. Then it releases the chemical called histamine to attack the substance. Histamine produces many of the symptoms associated with allergies.
During seasonal allergies, a person has a hypersensitive immune response to environmental antigens such as ragweed, grasses or trees, triggering the release of histamine which results in the bothersome allergic symptoms of sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion, eye irritation, inflammation and hives or other skin irritations. A food allergy is a similar immune system response that can affect the skin (ie., eczema and hives), respiratory system (i.e., asthma and mucus production), gastrointestinal system (Le., cramps, bloating and gas), or cardiovascular system. Often an individual does not attribute these bothersome symptoms to a particular food.
Are holes in your gut causing your allergies?
Did you drink a soda pop, coffee or alcoholic beverage this month? Or have you taken an antibiotic, pain reliever (i.e., aspirin or ibuprofen), birth control pill or steroid recently? If you answer 'yes' to any of these, you are promoting a serious health condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS). New studies reveal that LGS, which we all have to some extent, is a primary cause for developing allergies, along with many more serious health conditions or diseases.
Before you think "Oh, I don't have that," consider how very common LGS is.
Approximately 70% of the population has it. LGS, also known as intestinal permeability, is a condition in which the intestinal lining is more permeable than normal. This means that your intestines develop larger than normal "holes" (which are still on the microscopic level, by the way) that allow allergens and infectious pathogens to easily enter the body.
"The leaky gut can cause food allergy, and food allergy can cause the leaky gut," says Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD., in her book Wellness Against All Odds. The relationship between food sensitivities and the leaky gut is both complex and circular. According to Dr. Leo Galland, MD., intestinal permeability sharply increases following exposure to allergenic foods. The release of atopic mediators (such as histamine and seratonin) from the mast cells is responsible for the increase in permeability.'3
"Colostrum is the ideal solution for leaky gut syndrome," states highly-respected gastroenterologist, Dr. Donald Henderson. "Because colostrum reaches the gut while its components are still viable, its immunoglobulins and other factors can attack the offending pathogens in the intestines and prevent them from causing damage. The growth factors have anti-inflammatory action and also help repair damaged cells in the lining, decreasing cellular spacing, and thus preventing further leakaqe." Researchers show that colostrum contains not only antibodies and viable leukocytes, but also many other substances that can interfere with bacterial colonization and prevent antigen penetration in the gastrointestinal tract.5
Colostrum to the Rescue
Mother Nature provides colostrum for the newborn to prepare a healthy intestinal environment; after the newborn receives the needed immune factors, other components in colostrum reduce the intestinal permeability to protect against allergens and pathogens gaining access to the body. Regardless of whether your allergies are making you vulnerable for LGS, or whether LGS is causing your allergies, there is no better time than the present to start the healing process with a combination of colostrum and better lifestyle and nutritional choices (mainly avoiding substances that promote LGS).
Research shows how specific components within colostrum may benefit individuals with allergies. Colostral components are important in the process of cell-mediated immunity. Allergies occur when you are hypersensitive to potential allergens in your surrounding (environment or food); colostrum passively transfers components to delay and reduce hypersensitivity.6   Colostrum contains proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs), also known as colostrinin, which is a powerful immune modulator that can help tone down the overactive immune response that leads to allergies. Colostrum also contains a variety of antibodies directed against allergens that affect humans. The cow builds up antibodies to the allergens, which are then transferred through the colostrum to help the allergic individual minimize the allergic response.
In an effort to improve symptoms naturally, many allergy and asthma sufferers are medicating their symptoms with herbal supplements. This is cause for concern, as some people have allergies to inhalants such as grasses and weeds, the very same substances that their herbal remedy is providing them. For example, the popular herbal supplement Echinacea comes from a plant that is closely related to ragweed, a common allergy trigger. Also, there can be mold spores in the herbs that could seriously affect people with certain allergies. Thus, colostrum provides the safest and most effective natural remedy for allergies and allergic asthma.
PRP: The power to kick allergies
According to recent research, Proline-rich polypeptide (PRP) from colostrum can work as a regulatory substance of the thymus gland. It has been shown to eliminate or improve the symptoms of allergies, as well as other autoimmune diseases such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, .2
PRP has the ability to regulate the activity of the immune system. This means that it can activate an underactive immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing organisms. This also means that it can suppress an overactive immune system, as with allergies and all other hyper-immune disorders, preventing it from reacting to harmless substances. Scientists believe that PRP's ability to regulate the immune system is due in part to its ability to inhibit the overproduction of lymphocytes and T -cells. PRP actually aids in producing helper T­cells and suppressor T-cells. Various studies also identify that PRP is highly anti-inflarnrnatory.7
PRP is one of the most powerful components found naturally in colostrum, making it the safest and most logical natural component to fight off your allergy symptoms .

Immunoglobulins & Antibodies:
Colostrum contains antibodies that work against allergens that affect humans. The cow builds up antibodies to the allergens, which are then transferred through the colostrum to help the allergic individual minimize the allergic response.
Researchers at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia determined that bovine milk and colostrum contains antibodies directed against ryegrass pollen, house dust mites, Aspergillus mould and wheat proteins, which are common allergens to humans." Many additional antibodies are present in colostrum which cross-react with allergens of importance to humans, as well as antibodies against pathogenic invaders, such as e. coli, Candida, h. pylori, salmonella and many others.
The IgE (immunoglobulin) found in colostrum is thought to be responsible for regulating the allergic response." It is believed that the IgE inhibits the allergic response by limiting the histamine response.
Natural Delivery System
Most important is the natural delivery system provided by the mammary gland to ensure that colostrum reaches the portion of the gastrointestinal system where it can do the most good. When colostrum is secreted by mammary cells, it does so by what is called apocrine secretion. This means that colostrum is collected in a globule in the mammary cell that is surrounded by cell membrane. When the globule is released into the mammary duct, the cell membrane remains around the colostrum, protecting it until it reaches the intestine where it can be absorbed by the body. Dried and defatted colostrum products lose this protective membrane, leading to degradation of colostral proteins in the stomach.
Colostrum which has the membrane phospholipids reconstituted, however, retains the protective membrane and is much more effective. to protect the colostrum and enhance delivery for all nutrients.This enhanced delivery helps to ensure that the gastrointestinal tract receives the immune and healing components necessary to fight off LGS and protect against allergies. 
Along with other components present in colostrum, it is no wonder that supplementing your lifestyle with colostrum helps your immune system to maintain a healthy balance. Inaddition to PRP's known benefits for allergies, studies indicate that colostrum from dairy cows also contain a variety of antibodies directed against allergens that affect humans.

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