Sunday, 8 July 2012

Chronic Fatique Syndrome( CFDIS) and Colostrum

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFIDS) is a complex disorder, characterized by incapacitating fatigue, flu-like symptoms, neuropsychological problems and immunological abnormalities. Up to 80% of patients also suffer with a condition known as fibromyalgia which causes severe musculoskeletal aches and pains.  Many factors are involved with CFIDS, but most experts feel that it is triggered by a viral infection. 

The course for CFIDS is unpredictable. Very few, who have been ill for more than two years, have any kind of spontaneous recovery. The disease can lead to long-term disability requiring attendant care.  

Ronna H. is upsetting these facts about CFIDS. After years of living with Fibromyalgia’s inflammation and pain that was never controlled with the expensive medicines and shots she was given, has finally found relief with colostrum. Colostrum has also cleared up her irritable bowel syndrome (constant cycle of diarrhea and constipation). 

Colostrum also helped Dr. Robert Y., MD, with this debilitating disease. He specialized in family practice and orthopedics for sixteen years and served as Chief of Staff at the hospital in his community. A member of the prestigious American Academy of Family Physicians, he served as President for his state chapter. Dr. Y. is well respected as an outstanding doctor and a leading citizen in his community. Two years ago, five doctors at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, confirmed the diagnosis that Dr. Y. had Fibromyalgia. His most serious symptoms were muscle aches, fatigue, a decline in mental alertness connected with his inability to sleep at night and severe depression. His wife even had to help him walk when they went shopping. The doctors at the Mayo Clinic sent him home with prescriptions that cost about $1,000 a month — and not much hope. 

For months he tried a wide variety of alternative and conventional healing methods. Nothing worked.  Finally, a friend introduced him to colostrum. After taking it for about a month, people in his community would stop him on the street and ask him what he was taking and what he was doing because he looked so much better. He was able to stop taking all of his prescription medications (which were causing many side effects such as headache, stomach pain and fatigue). Dr. Y., after this experience, has said that he feels that colostrum helps the body do what it needs to do to heal. Four months after he started taking colostrum, he felt his improvement had been 100%. 

Although Dr. Y. has chosen not to return to his practice at this time, he is helping many people by telling his own story. At this reporting, he has 15 cases where he has people on colostrum and reports that all cases have shown beneficial results. 

The FDA and the CDC say that these kinds of  “informal“ testimonials are basically statistically meaningless and should not be seen as proof of any kind of effectiveness. I beg to differ. The hundreds of positive stories we receive are nothing more than a hopeful sign that people with many different ailments can benefit from this wonderful food supplement. 

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