Friday, 20 July 2012

Colostrum and Its Benefits

The product, which I would like to introduce to you today, prides itself with one of the best reputations among the top nutraceuticals on the market of the 21st century. Many of my friends and acquaintances were raving about this “miracle potion” and swore about its effectiveness.
My first experience
In order to try it for myself, however, I had to wait five long agonizing months. Why? I needed to get sick, and so, for the first time in my life, I was hoping to get flu, or at least catch a cold. I walked around in 0ยบ C temperatures wearing only t-shirts and sandals, drank icy cold beverages and kept my hair wet whenever I could. Finally, 1 December morning, my hard work paid off. I woke up feeling weak, my nose was stuffed up and I had that funny scratchy feeling at the back of my throat. Bingo! I could have taken the “magic medicine” right away, but I thought taking it at the very beginning of my illness would not give it a fair trial. After all, even aspirin could tackle a scratchy throat. Instead, I went to work and made sure to work extra hard. By midnight, I was exhausted and barely made it back home. My nose was running like a faucet so I did not even think about breathing through it. My eyes looked like I partied for a week straight. On top of all that, I had a fever and my body was shivering with cold chills. That was the perfect time to try the wonder potion. Without hesitation, I swallowed two spoonfuls of it. I have to say the taste was rather interesting, but I have been warned about that. “Show me what you got!” I thought to myself and crashed in my bed. The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I noticed some changes. I could breathe through my nose and my throat did not hurt. Once I got up, I noticed that my feet were steady and the floor was not swaying underneath them any longer. My eyes were still a bit red but nowhere near the color they were the night before. My condition improved by 80% in one night and within the next two days my health was restored!
Meet the Colostrum
The fast action of Colostrum, the product I have been telling you about, is only one of its great benefits. By now, you are probably wondering what exactly is Colostrum. I like to answer that question by saying that we all tried it before, we just don’t remember.
What is Colostrum
It is a privilege of all mammals, first milk they receive at birth all the young. It is unique of its composition and content of materials. Its main task is to equip young, child immediately after birth by passive immunity and substances which in the first hours, days, weeks, protect against virusis, bacterias and helps the body build his own defense system. Scientists have been studying effects of Colostrum since the 80s. Colostrum gained popularity after results of research studies showed that people who consumed cow’s Colostrum on regular basis had a longer life expectancy than the rest of the population. For example, scientists studied a group of Alpine farmers and found that their life expectancy was 97 years! After a closer analysis of their diet, they realized that cow Colostrum was consumed on the daily basis. The studies found that the consumption of Colostrum was the fundamental difference in their lifestyle from other nations.
What are the benefits of bovine Colostrum?
Cows are the only mammals who are unable to get immunity from their mother during the intrauterine development. This is due to the thickness of the cow’s placenta, which is too thick for any substances to pass through. Therefore baby calves are born with immune system so weak, that if you sneezed at them they might not survive. Colostrum plays a vital role in their survival. It contains everything calves need to build up a strong immune system – Immunoglobulin (army that fights viruses), Immune regulators (start a defensive reaction upon the virus intrusion), Growth hormones (help to regenerate the body), Growth factors (stimulate cellular growth), Vitamins and Minerals. In order to survive, calves must have sufficient amounts of Colostrum.Thanks to the modern technology, people can take advantage of Colostrum as well. Bovine Colostrum is 40 times more effective in rebuilding the immune system than the human Colostrum.
Clinical application of Colostrum
To understand the clinical application of Colostrum it is good to remember that taking almost all infectious and degenerative diseases, including cancer and heart disease (cause of death of 74%!), preceded or directly accompany a decrease function of immune system. Colostrum is able to restore using this feature procurement of passive immunity as well as using cytokines stimulate and active specific immune response.
At which desease I use the colostrum
Doctors, who I work with on a regular basis, successfully added Colostrum to the treatment of such diseases as psoriasis,atopic eczema,allergies, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatism, surgery recovery, diabetes and many more.

1 comment:

  1. I can set up my new idea from this post. It gives in depth information. Thanks for this valuable information for all,..
