Friday, 31 August 2012


Colostrum contains leptin (Greek leptos meaning thin). Leptin plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism. Colostrum also contains IgF-1, which is required to metabolize fat for energy.
(2) Colostrum will not cause a rapid, drastic loss of weight. If you are looking for a miracle pill to change you from fat to skinny overnight, so that you can now fit your whole body into one leg of your old pants, look elsewhere. Colostrum won’t do that.
(3) The effect of colostrum is to increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat simultaneously. The benefit is cumulative since increased muscle mass results in more calorie burning and conversion of fat to energy. Colostrum will help make you look and feel better by a completely natural, healthful, and sustainable process. Starvation diets on the other hand result in reduced muscle mass, which lowers calorie burning, which encourages fat storage, and starvation diets are therefore self-defeating over the long term.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline and Asthma

What is Asthma?

Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.
Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood. In the United States, more than 22 million people are known to have asthma. Nearly 6 million of these people are children.

What Causes Asthma?

The exact cause of asthma isn’t known. Researchers think some genetic and environmental factors interact to cause asthma, most often early in life. These factors include:
    An inherited tendency to develop allergies, called atopy (AT-o-pe)
    Parents who have asthma
    Certain respiratory infections during childhood
    Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some viral infections in infancy or in early childhood when the immune system is developing

Can Colostrum Help with Asthma?

Little is known about colostrum and asthma. Colostrum should not be relied upon to replace asthma medication. However colostrum contains components known to modulate the immune system and also anti-inflammatory components. Persons with asthma normally report a substantial reduction in symptoms when using colostrum.

Asthma and Colostrum Testimonials

“Before colostrum I was unable to even be in the same house with a dog. I would immediately get an asthma attack. I could not even visit my reverend and his family because they had a dog. I simply could not tolerate being in the same vicinity with a dog, without getting an asthma attack. Now I can visit with my pastor and his family as long as I like, and even pet their dog with no problem. It took about eight weeks of using colostrum to get to that point.” – C.G., AZ
“I already know that many in my family have received positive results from using your product. Our family has been cursed with asthma and allergies and your product has been a huge help in this area.” – Linda Hefferman, Cartier, Ontario
“My adolescent son has asthma and before using colostrum he was coughing all the time. He loves the lozenges, eats them like candy, devours two or three of the daily, and hardly ever coughs since he’s been using it.” – C.M.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Alcohol and weight loss are enemies, but an occasional drink can have a place in a healthy lifestyle. In fact, many experts note the potential health benefits of consuming a single drink per day, including a reduced risk for high blood pressure If, however, you are exceeding one drink daily, you might be sabotaging your weight loss plans.

Alcohol is metabolized differently than other foods and beverages. Under normal conditions, your body gets its energy from the calories in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which are slowly digested and absorbed within the gastrointestinal system. However, this digestive process changes when alcohol is present. When you drink alcohol, it gets immediate attention (because it is viewed by the body as a toxin) and needs no digestion.

On an empty stomach, the alcohol molecules diffuse through the stomach wall quickly and can reach the brain and liver in minutes. This process is slower when you have food in your stomach, but as soon as that food enters the small intestine, the alcohol grabs first priority and is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.

As the alcohol reaches the liver for processing, the liver places all of its attention on the alcohol. If you drink very slowly, all the alcohol is collected by the liver and processed immediately—avoiding all other body systems. If you drink more quickly, the liver cannot keep up with the processing needs and the alcohol continues to circulate in the body until the liver is available to process it. That's why drinking large amounts of alcohol (or drinking alcoholquickly) affect the brain centers involved with speech, vision, reasoning and judgment.

When the body is focused on processing alcohol, it is not able to properly break down foods containing carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, these calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage on your body.

Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it causes water loss and dehydration. Along with this water loss you lose important minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc. These minerals are vital to the maintenance of fluid balance, chemical reactions, and muscle contraction and relaxation.

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram and offers NO nutritional value. It only adds empty calories to your diet. Why not spend your calorie budget on something healthier?

Alcohol affects your body in other negative ways. Drinking may help induce sleep, but the sleep you get isn't very deep. As a result, you get less rest, which can trigger you to eat more calories the next day. Alcohol can also increase the amount of acid that your stomach produces, causing your stomach lining to become inflamed. Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to serious health problems, including stomach ulcers, liver disease, and heart troubles.

Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which is detrimental to your diet plans. Alcohol actually stimulates your appetite. While you might be full from a comparable amount of calories from food, several drinks might not fill you up. On top of that, research shows that if you drink before or during a meal, both your inhibitions and willpower are reduced. In this state, you are more likely to overeat—especially greasy or fried foods—which can add to your waistline. To avoid this, wait to order that drink until you're done with your meal.

Many foods that accompany drinking (peanuts, pretzels, chips) are salty, which can make you thirsty, encouraging you to drink even more. To avoid overdrinking, sip on a glass of water in between each alcoholic beverage.

Skipping a meal to save your calories for drinks later is a bad idea. Many drinkers know they'll be having some alcohol later, whether going to a bar, party, or just kicking back at home. Knowing that drinking entails extra calories, it may be tempting to "bank" some calories by skipping a meal or two. This is a bad move. If you come to the bar hungry, you are even more likely to munch on the snacks, and drinking on an empty stomach enhances the negative effects of alcohol. If you're planning on drinking later, eat a healthy meal first. You'll feel fuller, which will stop you from overdrinking. If you are worried about a looming night out with friends, include an extra 30 minutes of exercise to balance your calories—instead of skipping a meal.

What are more important, calories or carbs? You might think that drinking liquor is more diet-friendly because it has no carbohydrates, while both wine and beer do contain carbs. But dieters need to watch calories, and liquor only has a few calories less than beer or wine. Plus, it is often mixed with other drinks, adding even more empty calories. Hard liquor contains around 100 calories per shot, so adding a mixer increases calories even more. If you are going to mix liquor with anything, opt for a diet or club soda, instead of fruit juice or regular soda. Sweeter drinks, whether liquor or wine, tend to have more sugar, and therefore more calories. In that respect, dry wines usually have fewer calories than sweet wines.

The list below breaks down the number of calories in typical alcoholic drinks. Compare some of your favorites to make a good choice next time you decide to indulge in a serving of alcohol.

DrinkServing SizeCalories
Red wine5 oz.100
White wine5 oz.100
Champagne5 oz.130
Light beer12 oz.105
Regular beer12 oz.140
Dark beer12 oz.170
Cosmopolitan3 oz.165
Martini3 oz.205
Long Island iced tea8 oz.400
Gin & Tonic8 oz.175
Rum & Soda8 oz.180
Margarita8 oz.200
Whiskey Sour4 oz.200

Alcohol can easily be the enemy when it comes to weight loss. It adds extra calories to your diet, encourages you to eat more food, and alters the normal digestive process. Not only are the extra calories a hindrance, but the changes in food breakdown sends turns those extra calories into unwanted body fat. Alcohol does have a bad reputation when it comes to weight loss, and rightfully so, so be smart about your alcohol choices if you're watching your weight.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Influenza, commonly known as "the flu," is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It affects all age groups, though kids tend to get it more often than adults.
The flu is often confused with the common cold, but flu symptoms usually are more severe than the typical sneezing and stuffiness of a cold.
All symptoms are usually gone within a week or two. However, it's important 
to treat the flu seriously because it can lead to pneumonia and other life-threatening complications, particularly in infants, senior citizens, and people with long-term health problems.

Now in Recent clinical researches, COLOSTRUM has been found to be three times more effective against flu than the flu vaccine.

Get Your loved ones started Today! Ages 2 to 100 yrs

Sunday, 26 August 2012


Most forms of yoga are mild. They don't elevate the heart rate significantly, though they do tone muscles and help improve fitness. Any type of physical activity has the potential to aid fat burning, but cardio does burn more calories than yoga over the same period of time, and it's more likely to help with weight loss.


Both yoga and cardio have the potential to reap significant physical and psychological benefits. The Mayo Clinic says regular physical activity of any type has the potential to help people sleep better, elevate their moods, increase energy levels and reduce risks for conditions including cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and high cholesterol. The Mayo Clinic adds that yoga specifically can help manage depression, anxiety and insomnia as well as reduce stress.

Cardio exercise burns more calories than yoga. According to the American Council on Exercise, one hour of hatha yoga and posed stretching burns about 180 calories for a 160-pound person, but moderate aerobic exercise burns closer to 475 calories. For a person of the same weight, the Mayo Clinic notes that cardio exercises such as jogging, jumping rope, brisk walking and treadmill running burn about 580, 730, 275 and 650 calories, respectively. It takes about 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat, so cardio will take off weight more quickly than yoga.


Although cardio exercises burn more calories than yoga, which makes them better for weight loss and fat loss, yoga workouts have separate benefits. Because they involve so much stretching, they can help build flexibility and prevent injury during more vigorous exercise. Yoga may also help to target and tone specific muscle groups in the body more effectively than cardio.

Expert Insight

Dr. Donald Hensrud, preventive medicine specialist at the Mayo Clinic, says yoga does not have the same calorie-burning power as cardio exercise, so any weight-loss routine that involves yoga should also involve some aerobic activity. Hensrud adds that healthy weight loss calls for reducing daily calorie intake as well as participating in regular physical activity, as exercise on its own helps with weight maintenance more than weight loss.

Trying to slim down and wondering if yoga is the answer? In order to lose weight, you need to burn calories, and like anything physical, doing yoga can help you achieve that goal, but it depends on what style of yoga you do. You want to choose vigorous vinyasa, power, or ashtanga classes rather than slower-paced styles such as kripalu or iyengar. These classes move quickly so they really get your heart pumping — you can burn over 400 calories per 90-minute class! These styles also incorporate poses that strengthen your muscles, and more muscle mass also contributes to your caloric burn.
What about Bikram? While this style of yoga involves practicing in a super-hot room so you sweat your butt off, sweating alone isn't what results in dropping pounds. You'll experience water weight loss, but as soon as you rehydrate with a few gulps from your water bottle, you'll "gain" it right back.
Keep reading to find out how to get the greatest calorie burn from yoga.
In order to see results, practice 90-minute classes three to five times a week. Although yoga is an awesome total body workout, weight loss might happen more gradually than you want. In order to lose weight faster, I recommend supplementing your exercise routine with heart-pumping cardio sessions such as running, cycling, or hitting cardio classes at your gym.
Aside from burning calories and strengthening your muscles, yoga also helps you focus on having mind and body awareness. When you bring your attention inward, you may notice a shift in your perspective about how you treat your body and what you put into it as fuel. Doing yoga regularly can inspire you to take care of yourself as you become more aware of your physical and mental states.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Colostrum Functions Like Human Growth Hormone to Reverse the Aging Process

Colostrum has been called the promise of life. It is the first food, in which all the immune and growth factors that insure health and vitality are transferred from the mother to the newborn. Research has shown that colostrum is the one supplement that can bring help to everyone that uses it, largely because of its ability to perform many of the functions of human growth hormone (HGH) in the body. Many scientists believe colostrum may be the most important preventative that can be consumed by a mammal. The value of colostrum has been documented in clinical observations and is supported by a large database. A team of scientists in London has now found that colostrum can prevent the death of human neurons and effectively treat Alzheimer's patients. While this was going on, another research team was documenting that colostrum knocks out intestinal inflammation.

Scientists at St. George's University had already demonstrated that colostrinin, a proline-rich polypeptide isolated from colostrum, can effectively treat Alzheimer's disease patients. In a new study, they investigated whether colostrinin has effects on the aggregation and toxicity of beta-amyloid, the main constituent of plaque in the brain believed to be the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

Using data from cytotoxicity essays, they demonstrated that pre-treatment of human neuronal cells with 5 mug/ml of colostrinin for 24 hours confers neuroprotection against beta-amyloid neurotoxicity. Their qualitative and quantitative assays revealed that colostrinin reduced the death of neuronal cells resulting from brain plaque. (Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, July)

In investigating whether colostrum has anti-inflammatory effects on intestinal epithelial cells, scientists in Seoul, Korea stimulated human colon cancer cells with interleukin-1beta with and without bovine colostrum. They examined the effects colostrum had on nuclear factor kappaB signaling, and assessed the expression levels of inhibitor protein of nuclear factor kappaB-alpha, COX 2, and p65. They found that colostrum significantly inhibited nuclear factor kappa B-mediated proinflammatory cytokine expression and switched off markers of inflammation. (Nutrition Research, April)

This ancient healer works in unique ways to strengthen immunity

Bovine colostrum is not new. It has been a centerpiece of Ayurvedic healing for thousands of years. Ayurvedic physicians and spiritual leaders have documented both its physical and spiritual benefits. Scandinavian people have made a traditional pudding with colostrum for hundred of years in celebration of life. Even in the U.S. before the pharmaceutical companies tightened their grip, colostrum was commonly used for its antibiotic properties.

Colostrum works in a unique manner to protect the body from pathology. Most pathogens enter the system through the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. Bacteria, viruses, pollutants, contaminants and allergens must be combated there. An English physician, Dr. David Tyrell, has shown that a high percentage of the antibodies and immunoglobulins present in colostrum are not absorbed but remain in the intestinal tract. Immune factors work there to support proper immune function and healthy intestinal flora. Other immune factors from colostrum are believed to be absorbed and distributed to assist in the internal defense processes.

Colostrum is made by mammals specifically for mammals

Colostrum is the thin cream colored fluid produced during the first few milkings of a mammal after she has given birth. It is the carrier of immunities that are transferred from mother to infant, and one of the reasons breast feeding is so important to the health of human offspring. Colostrum is the essence of pure nutrition, containing immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other special substances designed to prime the body to face a lifetime of invasion by various microorganisms and environmental toxins bent on destruction.

While human mothers produce a small amount of colostrum, cows produce approximately nine gallons during the first thirty-six hours after giving birth. Colostrum is produced by almost all mammals, and is not species specific. Research has shown that the immune and growth factors produced by other mammalian animals are nearly identical to those found in human colostrum.

IGF-1 from colostrum performs many of the functions of human growth hormone

After this transfer of initial growth factor from mother to child, the growing body produces its own growth hormone during the period that growth and development are taking place. The level of growth hormone in humans remains high until growth is completed. Then it declines precipitously. By the age of 30, many people produce only twenty percent of their peak levels of growth hormone. Skin begins to sag and energy starts to slip away.

As the aging process really gets going, the immune system also begins to decline. Aging people have greater difficulty fighting off colds and flu, and energy and zest for life begin to ebb. Bones thin, hair falls out, and stamina and vigor decrease. Some turn to human growth hormone (HGH) replacement, but HGH is only available by prescription and is quite expensive at 300 dollars a month or more. And HGH usually requires injection into the body.

HGH is the closest thing people have to a fountain of youth. No other therapy has the impact on the aging body that HGH has. It is great for weight control and re-contouring the body with loss of belly fat, particularly in the mid-section area associated with increased risk of heart attack and diabetes. People who can deal with the cost and injections claim it is a miracle.

Studies show their assessment is correct. There have been no reports of anyone, anywhere, at any age getting cancer after using HGH for a year or more. Although there are theoretical reasons why HGH might promote cell division, HGH also stimulates the immune system to a level where cancer is not allowed to occur.

In the body, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is produced in response to growth hormone, and as a result is a marker for HGH. Since naturally produced HGH is released in surges and has a very short life span in the body, it is not practical to measure HGH levels directly. Because much of HGH is used by the body to produce IGF-1, which has a fairly long lifetime in the body, tests for HGH levels rely on the amount of IGF-1 present.

This means that supplementing with colostrum provides many of the benefits of HGH without the high cost or need for daily injections. It is IGF-1 that is responsible for many of the benefits provided by colostrum. Studies indicating that bovine colostrum supplementation can increase levels of IGF-1 in the body date back to 1998. (Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Adelaide, South Australia)

In seminal research dating back to 1988, both IGF-1 and IGF-2 as well as a truncated, more potent form of IFG-1 were found in bovine colostrum. IGF was classed as a mitogen that controls replication and repair of DNA and RNA in order to stimulate tissue growth and repair. (Journal of Biochemistry, 1988)

As people start to realize they are aging, they often turn to vitamins, minerals and herbs for the benefits and support those can provide. But plants and minerals do not have immune systems like those of people. They do not produce the same immune factors or immunoglubulins, and they do not have growth factors for skeleton, muscle or skin.

Over 5,000 studies have described the many benefits of colostrum

In research, colostrum has demonstrated the ability to kill viral and bacteria invaders, stimulate tissue repair, stimulate fat utilization for fuel, and optimize cellular reproduction to slow aging. Colostrum increases performance and speeds recovery following injury and stress. It increases mental alertness and fat burning, and normalizes blood sugar levels. Here are some interesting research highlights

Growth factors from colostrum:
IGF-1 is a truncated form of IGF that is 10 times more potent than IGF-2 in stimulating hypertrophy and cell regeneration. It is present in bovine colostrum. (International Journal of Cellular Biology, 1996)

Fibroblast growth factor, IGF-1 and epithelial growth factor are all important mitogens for healing the skin. They are all found in bovine colostrum. (Journal of Surgery Research, 1995)

In a study of 749 patients, IFG-1 blood levels were not associated with prostate specific antigen (PSA) or prostate cancer. (Medical College of Wisconsin)

Low-dose, prolonged growth hormone therapy significantly extended the life span of mice compared to controls. (Mechanics of Aging and Development, (1991)

IGF-1 was purified from bovine colostrum and found to be identical to human serum IGF-1. (Growth Regulation, 1991)

Various growth factors are produced in the gut, including epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta, amphiregulin, betacellulin, and heparin-binding EGF-like peptide. These factors are also present in colostrum. EGF promotes repair of the mucosal lining of the gut. Transforming growth factor-alpha plays a role in mucosal healing. Transforming growth factor-beta inhibits cell proliferation and promotes cell differentiation. (Nutrition, 1998)

Mice with an experimentally-induced inflammatory bowel disease fed a diet rich in transforming growth factor beta gained more weight, did not develop diarrhea or prolapse, and had lower pathological scores and lower serum amyloid. This study supports the use of transforming growth factor in treatment of Crohn's disease. (Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2004)

Growth hormone levels decline with age. This may contribute to the decrease in lean body mass and increase in fat mass that occurs with aging. Levels of IGF-1 were measured in elderly men both with growth hormone supplementation and without. Results confirmed that growth hormone levels correlated with lean body and less fat mass. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1990)

Diabetic autonomic neuropathy is a major cause of morbidity and death. IGF-1 protects sympathetic neurons from death in conditions of high glucose levels, suggesting a possible etiology of the condition as well as a possible therapy for it. (Hormone and Metabolic Research, 1999)

Receptors for growth hormone and IGF-1 were isolated from human skin, indicating that growth hormone and growth factors may influence skin growth directly. (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1992)

IGF-1, IGF-2, the IGF-1 receptor and IGF binding protein act together to simulate muscle cell proliferation and differentiation. (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1989)

Insulin inhibits the breakdown of protein in muscle, thereby increasing protein through the creation of new protein by combining the constituent parts through the use of energy. IGF-1, on the other hand, promotes muscle anabolism by stimulating protein synthesis. Even in the case of an abundance of available amino acids, insulin continues to promote muscle protein balance solely by inhibiting the digestion of muscle, while IGF-1 combined with plentiful amino acids enhances protein synthesis (Journal of Clinical Investigations, 1995)

Colostrum and athletic performance:
Because of its ability to increase stamina and endurance, the effects of bovine colostrum on athletic performance has been the subject of many studies. Supplementing with 20 grams per day in combination with exercise training was shown to increase bone and lean muscle mass in active men and women after a period of eight weeks. (Nutrition, 2001)

The tissue composition of resistance-trained limbs experienced a significantly greater increase in circumference and cross-sectional area in people taking 60 grams of colostrum for eight weeks compared to taking whey protein for the same amount of time. (European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2004)

Bovine colostrum supplementation during training significantly increased peak anaerobic power, but had no effect on anaerobic work capacity (Journal of Sports Science, 2003)

In a randomized, double-blind placebo study, 51 active males received 8 weeks of training while consuming either 60 grams per day of bovine colostrum or 60 grams per day of whey protein powder. Vertical jump performance in the colostrum group increased 3.0 cm, but only 1.3 cm in the whey protein group. ( 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, International Congress on Sport Science, Brisbane, Australia)

Bovine colostrum supplementation at 20 grams or 60 grams per day provided an improvement in time trial performance in cyclists after a 2 hour ride at 65% VO2 max. Improvements in performance times were: 37 seconds faster for placebo group, 134 seconds faster for the 20 grams per day colostrum group, and 158 seconds faster for the 60 grams per day colostrum group (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2002)

Bovine colostrum helped make distance cyclists retain more energy following a bout of intensive training. Those cyclists using colostrum performed at a higher level with fewer signs of fatigue during tests taken after their 5 days of intensive training (Journal of Sports Medicine, September, 2006)

Skeletal muscle is able to repair itself through regeneration. However, an injured muscle often does not fully recover its strength because the process is hindered. IGF-1 can improve muscle healing and regenerations (Muscle and Nerve, 2003)

After 8 weeks of colostrum supplementation, elite field hockey players improved significantly in the 5 x 10 meters sprint, compared to the whey fed group (Paper presented at NSCA National Conference and Exhibition, Orlando, 2000)

Thursday, 23 August 2012

SD2 and the Science Behind it

Since Sd2 works on a ketogenic System..or rather a ketogenic diet..its essential taht we know its facts. So here it is:
Simply stated Ketosis is a measurement of fats burning. Burned fat is broken down into Ketones, which the body uses for energy. When you burn a larger amount of fat than is needed for energy, the left over Ketones are excreted through the urine. Ketones can be measured by checking your urine with a Ketone stick. A pink to purple color indicates that you are in Ketosis. In addition to losing fat more rapidly, most people report feeling less hungry and more energetic while in Ketosis. Because the body burns fat stores, after it burns available carbohydrates, the Lean for Life weight loss plan is designed to help you achieve Ketosis by limiting your daily total carbohydrate intake as well as limiting total calories. Most adults achieve Ketosis when their daily carbohydrate intake is somewhere in the range of 50-100 grams. Dietary Ketosis itself is not dangerous to a normal, healthy person. 

In a state of Ketosis I understand that the Ketones are a measurement of "fat burning" and that the natural course of action is for the body to first burn Carbohydrates and then Protein. My question is when does the "fat" portion of your diet get burned up, before or after the Protein and Carbohydrate?
  • When we haven't been on a diet we will have a storage of 1, 2 or 3 days of glycogen in our livers. This is a source of carbohydrates to burn very rapidly. Once we don't have enough calories in our body we start using that glycogen or carbohydrates that are just stored in our livers for this extreme situation, it will start burning that down. Once that's gone or depleted after about 2 or 3 days then our bodies will use anything it can to form sugars from our body for it's fuel. It will then start taking it from our protein mass and our fat mass. At that time it will take more from our fat mass that our protein mass if we are having adequate amounts of protein in our diet. So fat gets burned after you spend two or three days of depleting the carbohydrates that are stored in the liver just for the purpose of not eating enough food. 

  • Does the diet completely avoid carbs? Can't I eat pasta or baked potatoes during the 6 week weight loss period? This diet doesn't completely avoid carbs. You're probably going to have 50 to 100 grams of carbs because every time you have food there are some carbohydrates in them. Pasta and baked potatoes have a higher glycemic index, which means they increase your blood sugar more rapidly, so we try to avoid them during weight loss. In maintenance, you can add them back in.

Ketone sticks

Since the SD2 is a ketogenic diet and many are concerned wether the Ketone sticks can be depended on 100 suggestion and advice would be, :
The number of carbs most people can tolerate to reach ketosis and achieve rapid weight loss w
ithout suffering from cravings or fatigue is about 50 to 100. Remember, some people don't get into ketosis even when far below 50. Ketosis is a very rapidly changing condition that depends on many variables (e.g., the time of day, water retention, hormonal changes, exercise, and medicine). You may be in ketosis at 6 a.m and out by 7. Ketosis is just a measure. If you're losing weight, feel well, and have adopted healthy habits, don't be too concerned whether or not you're in ketosis. So Cheer up!

Four Ways to Tackle Belly Fat After Pregnancy

My kingdom for a tighter tummy! Many a new mom has uttered those words (okay, something like those words) as she glances down at her postbaby belly. Even if you've reached your prepregnancy weight, chances are your still dealing with a little extra belly fat after pregnancy. Don't ignore it: Without concentrated effort (like some tummy exercises after pregnancy) those ab muscles are bound to stay saggy (and get worse with baby number two).
Now's the time to get those muscles taut and toned by integrating a targeted tummy routine into your exercise plan. Not only will strengthening your abs help your profile, it'll improve circulation and reduce your risk of back problems (including postpartum back pain), varicose veins, leg cramps, ankle and foot swelling, and more.

Tip 1: Keep It Simple

There are lots of tummy exercises after pregnancy that will help you flatten the flab. Basic crunches may be the most, well, basic, but they work. If you haven't done them before (or in the past nine months or so), start slowly and don't push yourself too hard. Begin with pelvic tilts and simple ab contractions: Lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Slowly tighten your abs and tilt your pelvis toward your head. Tighten the pelvic floor as you do this (what a great time for some Kegel exercises!).

Tip 2: The Real Deal

Ready for real crunches? With your back on the floor, put your feet on the floor, knees bent, and place your hands behind your neck to support your head. Press your lower back into the floor, then lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Repeat 10–15 times. As you get stronger, add difficulty (lift your feet off the floor during reps, for example) and variations (like tilting your legs to the side and reaching for the opposite knee as you come up to tone the oblique muscles on the sides of your torso). Working different muscles is essential for losing that belly fat after pregnancy.

Tip 3: Recruit an Exercise Buddy

If you like, you can get your baby into the act, too! Blast your baby fat after pregnancy with a baby bench press: Lie down with legs bent and feet flat on the floor, holding your baby so he's resting on your belly. Inhale and lift your baby skyward, pulling in and contracting your abs at the same time; then exhale and lower your baby. Do as many reps as you can. 

Tip 4: Stay on the Ball

An exercise ball is another great tool for tummy exercises after pregnancy. Ball crunches work like regular crunches, but you'll be adding the element of balance, which makes your moves a bit more challenging. If crunches just aren't your thing or you want more of an overall workout, try yoga or Pilates, both of which place an emphasis on a strong core. Oh, and don't forget — a sensible diet (like the SD2 Diet_ and regular cardio exercise will help you burn belly fat after pregnancy (and overall fat, too).

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Although having a baby is a wonderful experience for any woman, after enduring nine months of pregnancy symptoms, including 5-6 months of extra weight, it's quite natural to want to normalize your weight and regain your pre-pregnancy shape as soon as possible. But don't be too impatient. Life after giving birth typically throws up a new set of problems, which can cut across your plans to lose weight. So if you are a new mom, and you can't wait to get back into shape, take my 
advice and "Go Easy!"
Be Realistic! Trying to lose weight too fast can rebound on you.Keep in mind that you may not be able to return to your exact pre-pregnancy weight or shape. For many women, pregnancy causes permanent changes such as a softer belly, slightly wider hips, and a larger waistline. With this in mind, you might want to adjust your goals a bit. Been in the pregnancy mode for 9 months, some us would need that "kick start"but it has to be safe and a healthy weight loss....on the hunt for this is when i Discovered the
Alpha Lipid SD2 Weight loss Formula

Eager to get back into shape now that i youre no longer pregnant? For long-term success – and to keep yourself feeling good along the way, TRY SD2 TODAY!

The 4 Big Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

1. Your body is not producing enough adiponectin.
Adiponectin is the Hormone that Tells Your Body to Burn FatAdiponectin is literally the hormone that tells your body to burn fat for fuel. And it’s like your body’s “fat burning torch.”
The research is clear that low levels of Adiponectin are associated with a higher incidence of obesity.

The frustrating thing about Adiponectin is that the more fat you have, the lower your levels – which is why LOSING fat is so darn difficult at the beginning. You need a kick start…

So here are 2 “at home” methods for naturally boosting your Adiponectin levels and stoking your fat burning fire:
  • Increase your magnesium intake, either by taking a high quality supplement, which is quite inexpensive, or by consuming seeds – pumpkin seeds are great – and green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.
  • A much more aggressive approach is to do something called “intermittent fasting,” which has been shown to significantly increase adiponectin levels. This works by fasting one day, and then eating big the next... and so on. While it can work for weight loss, the jury is still out as to whether this is healthy or not. Plus, who wants to live this way?

There’s another solution I will get to later that I think you’ll really enjoy.

Now let’s move on to the hormone that’s keeps you famished and running to the fridge, especially at night, which is the worst possible time to be overeating.

2. Too Much Ghrelin
The More Ghrelin in Your System, The Hungrier You AreGhrelin is called the “Hunger Hormone” and, basically, the more ghrelin you have in your system, the hungrier you are.

So if you find yourself fighting cravings and can’t seem to stay away from the fridge after dinner, it’s probably due to elevated ghrelin levels…

And the hard fact is that ghrelin works directly on the hunger center of your brain by activating the brain’s reward response to highly addictive sweet, fatty foods. This increases your food intake at the worst possible time, usually at night, and ultimately makes you gain more weight.
Even worse, it appears ghrelin makes us fatter whether we eat more or not.

You can see now why losing fat is almost impossible with elevated ghrelin levels.

But here’s something you can start doing TONIGHT to lower your ghrelin levels and feel more satisfied tomorrow...

Get More ZZZ’s

New research makes it clear that even low levels of sleep deprivation increase 
your ghrelin levels and lead to more fat being stored in your body.

Most people need between 6-8 hours of sleep and jacking yourself up in the morning with caffeine or energy drinks is exactly the WRONG thing to do if you want to lose weight, which you’ll see why in just a moment.

But if you thought Ghrelin was bad news for your waistline, YOU need to see what’s been dubbed the “Fat Storage Hormone.”

3. Insulin Resistance
Excess Glucose in the Blood Causes Carbohydrates to Be Stored As Fat

If you’re overweight, there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing some level of insulin imbalance, resulting in excess glucose, or sugar, in your system.

While this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re diabetic, it does mean that your body’s insulin, or glucose regulator, becomes less effective at lowering your blood sugars.

The end result is that instead of using the excess sugar to feed your muscles or burning it for energy - most of the carbohydrates you consume get stored as fat.

It’s simple, if you have insulin resistance it makes it virtually impossible to lose fat…

But there’s a surprisingly simple trick to addressing the excess glucose problem, and it just might already be in your kitchen cupboard...

A recent study found that consuming 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before a high carb meal significantly reduces blood glucose levels for those people with insulin resistance, which is that imbalance I spoke about.

While this might not be appetizing for everyone, the study did say that apple cider vinegar might work as well as prescription drugs at regulating blood sugar.

But even if you do drink your vinegar, you’ll still continue to store additional fat, especially abdominal fat, if you don’t keep this final fat burning barrier at bay.

4. Cortisol Overload
Your body produces cortisol in response to stress and ramps you up so you can be ready to fight or flee.

This CAN be a good thing in dangerous situations, like if you were to run across a bear while hiking.
Cortisol caused by Constant Stress Causes Belly Fat

But the constant stress we’re all under in today’s hectic, 24/7, crisis-driven worldelevates our cortisol levels far beyond what we were originally designed to handle.

The result is a quadruple whammy on your waistline:

Number one: excess cortisol increases your cravings for sweets and carbs, which can lead to overeating and constant hunger.

Number two: Cortisol causes your body to actually BREAK DOWN your muscle tissue for energy. Which is absolutely the worst thing for weight loss since the less muscle you have, the lower your metabolism will be and the more fat you’ll gain.

Number three: Elevated cortisol levels cause a larger percentage of fat to be stored in the abdominal area. What’s worse is that the more abdominal fat you have, the more cortisol you produce in response to stress, which then causes more abdominal fat to be stored.

Finally, recent studies link high cortisol levels to depression in adults and children. And we all know that when you’re depressed, you eat MORE.

It’s like a vicious cycle with no end in sight!

So here is how to lower cortisol in three steps…

First of all, you need to know that caffeine increases cortisol secretion in people undergoing mental stress. For many of us, that’s just about all the time. So, the first thing you need to do is to greatly reduce or even eliminate your caffeine intake.

Next, and don’t roll your eyes at this one, but layer in some exercise into your routine. Even just walking for 30 minutes each day will work wonders.

Lastly, here’s a really good exercise I use with my patients (and my family) that reduces stress fast: As you’re sitting there, simply breathe in through your nose and count to four, hold it for 2 seconds. (Make sure to breathe into your belly -- it should expand). 

Then let the air out through your mouth until it’s comfortable – then pause for one second. Repeat this 8 times and you’ll reset your stress response… easy!

The Fat Burning Barrier No One Talks About: Unscrupulous Supplement Manufacturers
Find Out Why Most Supplements Don't Work - And Get the Right Supplement with the RealDoseAs I promised earlier, I’m going to tell you why all the diet supplements you’ve tried have failed to work. And it’s disturbing…

As a doctor who also happens to have a degree in manufacturing engineering, I’ve learned to ask the right questions when people ask me about supplements.

First: I look for double blind, placebo controlled clinical studies... ON HUMANS… You’d be surprised how many supplement companies base their claims on animal studies. And the truth is…what works on mice, rarely works on humans.

Second: Even if there are double blind human studies on an ingredient, almost every company I’ve come across neglects to put the same exact ingredient used in the research into their formulation!
For example, there’s a green coffee bean (which we’ll talk about later) that has solid human clinical studies backing it up. However, the research was only on a green coffee bean sourced from a specific region and extracted in a special way. 

What too many supplement companies do is find a cheap source for the ingredient (China, for example) and don’t use the proper extraction method. The real active ingredient is then either nonexistent or in such small quantities as to be worthless.

They do this to save money…. Lots of money! As cheaper sources can often be found for less than 1/10 the price of the real thing…

Finally, (also to cut costs) even if they do happen to include the right ingredient – they rarely, if ever, include the same amount of the ingredient used in the study to get the claimed result. They usually hide this in a “proprietary” formula… or just assume that most consumers won’t have access to the research. 

The reason they do this is because ingredients that work are not cheap when delivered at the right dose.
So when shopping for supplements, make sure to ask yourself:
Has the ingredient actually been researched in human double blind studies?
Is it the real ingredient used in the study? And...
Are you getting the ingredient at the real dose?